Friday, June 29, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
We will be at Hultsfreed Hayride Saturday 30 June 2012
HepCat Store will be at Hultsfreed Hayride on Saturday 30 June to sell stuff!
A weekender of wild savage rock 'n' roll June 29-30 2012 in Hultsfred, Sweden.Hultsfreed Hayride web page for all info!
A weekender of wild savage rock 'n' roll June 29-30 2012 in Hultsfred, Sweden.Hultsfreed Hayride web page for all info!
Monday, June 25, 2012
New issue of Min Budoir
Brand new issue 3 of Min Budoir
- buy here in our shop!
A Swedish magazine for all things retro/burlesque/vintage/pinup in Sweden (incl Finland, Norway and Denmark)
A Swedish magazine for all things retro/burlesque/vintage/pinup in Sweden (incl Finland, Norway and Denmark)
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Keeping Warm
It's a little chilly outside, I think I should put on a jacket before I head home, Rob said.
Luckily his old team jacket was in the shop.
Luckily his old team jacket was in the shop.
Rob is all about class.
Bure and Rob - done for the day.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
New music, books and magazines!
New music, books, DVD & magazines in our shop & some back in stock!
(a lot of rockabilly, psychobilly and punk stuff - vinyls & CD)
2nd District – The Love Has Gone - 7''
7 Seconds - New Wind - LP
7 Seconds - Walk Together, Rock Together - LP
Accidents, The - Hot Hot City [7" Vinyl]
Accused, The - The Return of Martha Splatterhead - LP
Adam West/The Egyptian Gay Lovers - They Rock... - SPLIT - 7"
Agent Orange - Bloodstains - 7" NY
Agnostic Front - Another Voice (red vinyl) - LP
Alonzo & Fas 3 - Dansa Som En Fjäril - 7''
Anatomi-71 - Från Primat Till Reptil - LP
Anatomi-71 - På Giftets Vingar - 12''
Angelic Upstarts - Anthems Against Scum - CD
Anti Cimex - Demos 81-85 - LP
Anti Cimex - The Records 81-86 - LP
AntiSeen - New Blood - LP
Antiseen / Holley 750 - Split CD
ARSENE OBSCENE - Zone Industrielle LP
Avskum - Uppror Underifrån - LP
Babian - Kärlek i Paket - Lim. ed. 7"
Bad Brains - Live - LP
Bad Brains - Omega Sessions - 10"
Bad Dreams Always - Another Body Murdered - (green vinyl) 7"
Bastardized - DVD
Bastardized 2 - DVD
Black Flag - Family Man - LP
Black Flag - In MY Head - LP
Black Flag - Loose Nut - LP
Black Flag – Six Pack (White transparent) - 7''
Black Knights - Old Rock Boogie - (pic) 10''
Bob Wayne - Outlaw Carnie - (w/ download card) LP
Bombettes, The - Get Out Of My Trailer, Sailor! - CD
Bristles - Beväpna Er/We're only in it for the Drugs - 7''
Burnout Magazine NO:49
Burnout Magazine NO:50
Buster Shuffle - Our Night Out - LP
Bäddat för trubbel – Värdighet - LP
CAPS - Lucified - CD
Car Kulture DeLuxe Magazine issue 19
Car Kulture DeLuxe Magazine issue 38
Carlos & The Bandidos - Jukebox Rock - 7"
Carlos & The Bandidos - The Good, The Bad & The Bandidos - CD
CARNATION, The - Gothenburg Rifle Association - [LP 180g]
Cavalera Conspiracy - Blunt Force Trauma - LP
Charlie Hightone And The Rock-It's- Major Productions & B-track CD
Cherry Overdrive - Go Prime Time, Honey! - LP
Choppahead Presents - Chopper Animals & Mayhem Machines Vol. 2
Cock Sparrer - Guilty as Charged (tri-color 180 g) - LP
Cock Sparrer - Two Monkeys (colored 180g) - LP
Cosmopolish - Heroine 7''
Crass - Penis Envy -(+ download) LP
Crass - The Feeding of the 5000 - (+ download) LP
Creepshow - Sell Your Soul (ltd. color vinyl) LP
Crybabies - Be All Mine - CD
Cuntry Diktator - Cunts N Roses - CD
D.R.I. - Violent Pacification EP (red) - 7''
Dale Rocka & The Volcanoes - Dale Rocka & The Volcanoes [7" EP]
Dale Rocka & The Volcanoes - We Do The Bop [7" EP]
DE KEEFMEN - Cryin' at my door/What's happening!? - 7"
Descendents - Enjoy! - LP
Descendents - Hallraker Live! - LP
Descendents - I Don't Want To Grow Up - LP
DicE Magazine issue 30
DicE Magazine issue 43
DicE Magazine issue 43 -
Die Hunns - You Rot Me - LP
Disarm - Regerings Stödda Mord EP - 7'
Discharge - Decontrol - 7"
Discharge – Disensitise - LP
Discharge - Early Demo's - LP
Discharge - Fight Back - 7"
Discharge - Never Again - 7"
Discharge - Realities Of War - 7"
Eva Eastwood - Lyckost (LP)
Flick-Knife - Cruisin' Swedes - CD
Foggy Mountain Rockers - WanTED Six Rockin' Men - CD
Fräuleinwunder Magazine 05/2012
Förmögenhet - Är det någon som är snål så är det du! - 7"
Gary Bennett - You Are Never Nice To Me - CD EP
GASOLINE Magazine 2006 No:05
GASOLINE Magazine 2008 No:01
GASOLINE Magazine 2008 No:05
GASOLINE Magazine 2009 No:02
Gluecifer - B-Sides & Rarities 1994-2005 (ltd color) - LP
Go-Katz, The - Maniac - CD EP
Gorilla Biscuits - S/T - 7"
Gorilla Biscuits - Start Today - LP
Greasy Kulture Issue 27 - Magazine
Heresy - Face Up To It - (yellow) LP
Hot Rod Havoc Vol 1 - DVD -
Hot Rod Hillbillies - Let's Alcoholass - CD
HubCaps , The - The HubCaps - CD
Hüsker Du - Flip Your Wig - LP
Iggy Pop – Sister Midnight - LP
Invasionen - Hela Världen Brinner - LP
Jackie Brenston & His Delta Cats - Rocket 88 [7'' Vinyl]
JAYBIRDS - Naked As The Jaybirds - CD
Jmmy Castle and The Knights She's Allright EP - 7"
John Lindberg Trio (JLT) - Hell Of A Ride - LP
Johnny Kask - Sluten anstalt blues - 10" vinyl
Johnny Thunders - Hurt Me (purple) - 10''
Kaaos – Ristiinnaulittu Kaaos - LP
Kingcats - Southbound Train - CD
Kitty in a Casket - Back To Thrill (white) - LP
Klasse Kriminale - The Rise And Fall Of The Stylish Kids - LP
Kustoms Illustrated #31 Magazine
Kustoms Illustrated #32 Magazine
Kvoteringen - Storfinansen - 7"
Lisa Palm Jazztett - När Jag Ser Dig - CD
Lou Cifer & The Hellions - Tedtoed! - 7'' EP
Mad Sin - God Save The Sin Ltd. Colored LP
Madness - The Liberty of Norton Folgate - CD
Mal "Catman" Clint - Elvis & Gene EP - 7''
Massacre / Kansallinen Sekaannus - 20?? Minne Jai Tuho - 7'' EP
Masshysteri - Vår Del Av Stan - CD
MDC - Millions of Dead Cops - LP
Minor Threat - First Demo Tape EP - 7''
Minor Threat - S/T - LP
Minor Threat - Salad Days - 7"
Minutemen – The Punch Line - LP
Mob 47 - Kärnvapen attack EP - 7"
Mystery Gang - Jungle Fever - CD
New York Dolls - Lipstick Killers - LP
Nosey Joe & The Pool Kings - S/T CD
Ol' Skool Rodz #53 Magazine
Old Firm Casuals, The - s/t (wine red vinyl) - 7''
Peter Nande - ''Big Boy Boogie” California Sessions Vol. I - CD
Phantom - Rockabilly Vampires HANDNUMBERED [7" Vinyl]
Pinstriping & Kustom Graphics Magazine # 009
Poison Idea – Blank, Blackout, Vacant - LP
Psychomania #6 Magazine + 29 track CD
Rebel Beat - The Story of L.A. Rockabilly DVD
Rhythmaires, The - Tenth Anniversary Album - CD
Rimshots - Don't Play C 23 / Rock Ola Ruby - 7"
Robert Gordon - Live Fast Love Hard -2xCD
Rockabilly Magazine #35
Rogers Sonny & The Ropers - Maybe Little Baby - 7''
Ronnie Nightingale and the Haydocks - The Complete Early Years CD
Sabrejets, The - Sin-Sational CD
Scar Tissue – självbiografi Anthony Kiedis - Bok
Skitsystem – Stigmata - LP
Snakebite - Teddy Boys - 10''
Snutjävel - Eran Stad/Våran Verklighet EP 7"
Snutjävel - Ett Liv i Panik EP 7"Snutjävel - Falköping Hardcore 7" EPStrawberry Blondes - Rise Up (colored vinyl) - LP
Stå aldrig still – en bok om Joakim Thåström - Bok
Sånger om sex, Gud och ond bråd död - Lennart Persson - Bok
Terrible Feelings - Blank Heads EP (yellow) - 7"
Terrible Feelings - Shadows - LP
THE DWARVES - FAKE ID (Limited 10")
The Encyclopedia Of Swedish Punk 1977-1987- BOK
The Old Firm Casuals - Army of One - 7'' NY
Tom Powder - Dangerous Curves - CD
Toy Dolls - Another Bleedin Best Of! - LP
Toy Dolls - The Album After the Last One - CD
Troublemakers - 30 - CD
Untamed - Cannibal King 7"
Untamed - Eerie Stories LP
Wagtails - Cat Food - CD
Various - Rock 'n' Pop Meets Rock 'n' Roll - CD
Various - Umeå Vråljazz Giganter - CD
Various - Umeå Vråljazz Giganter LP
Various - Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend #11 - CD
Various - Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend #13 CD
We Live In Trenches - Modern Hex - LP
White Lines, The - Four Vinyl Fans Only - 10'' + CD
White Lines, The - Ready To Rock - CD
White Lines, The - Ready To Rock - LP
White Lines, The - Rockabilly Memories - CD
Vibrators - Sonic Reducer - 7"
Wolfbrigade - Prey to the World (marble green vinyl) - LP
Wreckers - Angel of Death 7" red vinyl
Vånna Inget – Allvar (vit vinyl) - LP
2nd District – The Love Has Gone - 7''
7 Seconds - New Wind - LP
7 Seconds - Walk Together, Rock Together - LP
Accidents, The - Hot Hot City [7" Vinyl]
Accused, The - The Return of Martha Splatterhead - LP
Adam West/The Egyptian Gay Lovers - They Rock... - SPLIT - 7"
Agent Orange - Bloodstains - 7" NY
Agnostic Front - Another Voice (red vinyl) - LP
Alonzo & Fas 3 - Dansa Som En Fjäril - 7''
Anatomi-71 - Från Primat Till Reptil - LP
Anatomi-71 - På Giftets Vingar - 12''
Angelic Upstarts - Anthems Against Scum - CD
Anti Cimex - Demos 81-85 - LP
Anti Cimex - The Records 81-86 - LP
AntiSeen - New Blood - LP
Antiseen / Holley 750 - Split CD
ARSENE OBSCENE - Zone Industrielle LP
Avskum - Uppror Underifrån - LP
Babian - Kärlek i Paket - Lim. ed. 7"
Bad Brains - Live - LP
Bad Brains - Omega Sessions - 10"
Bad Dreams Always - Another Body Murdered - (green vinyl) 7"
Bastardized - DVD
Bastardized 2 - DVD
Black Flag - Family Man - LP
Black Flag - In MY Head - LP
Black Flag - Loose Nut - LP
Black Flag – Six Pack (White transparent) - 7''
Black Knights - Old Rock Boogie - (pic) 10''
Bob Wayne - Outlaw Carnie - (w/ download card) LP
Bombettes, The - Get Out Of My Trailer, Sailor! - CD
Bristles - Beväpna Er/We're only in it for the Drugs - 7''
Burnout Magazine NO:49
Burnout Magazine NO:50
Buster Shuffle - Our Night Out - LP
Bäddat för trubbel – Värdighet - LP
CAPS - Lucified - CD
Car Kulture DeLuxe Magazine issue 19
Car Kulture DeLuxe Magazine issue 38
Carlos & The Bandidos - Jukebox Rock - 7"
Carlos & The Bandidos - The Good, The Bad & The Bandidos - CD
CARNATION, The - Gothenburg Rifle Association - [LP 180g]
Cavalera Conspiracy - Blunt Force Trauma - LP
Charlie Hightone And The Rock-It's- Major Productions & B-track CD
Cherry Overdrive - Go Prime Time, Honey! - LP
Choppahead Presents - Chopper Animals & Mayhem Machines Vol. 2
Cock Sparrer - Guilty as Charged (tri-color 180 g) - LP
Cock Sparrer - Two Monkeys (colored 180g) - LP
Cosmopolish - Heroine 7''
Crass - Penis Envy -(+ download) LP
Crass - The Feeding of the 5000 - (+ download) LP
Creepshow - Sell Your Soul (ltd. color vinyl) LP
Crybabies - Be All Mine - CD
Cuntry Diktator - Cunts N Roses - CD
D.R.I. - Violent Pacification EP (red) - 7''
Dale Rocka & The Volcanoes - Dale Rocka & The Volcanoes [7" EP]
Dale Rocka & The Volcanoes - We Do The Bop [7" EP]
DE KEEFMEN - Cryin' at my door/What's happening!? - 7"
Descendents - Enjoy! - LP
Descendents - Hallraker Live! - LP
Descendents - I Don't Want To Grow Up - LP
DicE Magazine issue 30
DicE Magazine issue 43
DicE Magazine issue 43 -
Die Hunns - You Rot Me - LP
Disarm - Regerings Stödda Mord EP - 7'
Discharge - Decontrol - 7"
Discharge – Disensitise - LP
Discharge - Early Demo's - LP
Discharge - Fight Back - 7"
Discharge - Never Again - 7"
Discharge - Realities Of War - 7"
Eva Eastwood - Lyckost (LP)
Flick-Knife - Cruisin' Swedes - CD
Foggy Mountain Rockers - WanTED Six Rockin' Men - CD
Fräuleinwunder Magazine 05/2012
Förmögenhet - Är det någon som är snål så är det du! - 7"
Gary Bennett - You Are Never Nice To Me - CD EP
GASOLINE Magazine 2006 No:05
GASOLINE Magazine 2008 No:01
GASOLINE Magazine 2008 No:05
GASOLINE Magazine 2009 No:02
Gluecifer - B-Sides & Rarities 1994-2005 (ltd color) - LP
Go-Katz, The - Maniac - CD EP
Gorilla Biscuits - S/T - 7"
Gorilla Biscuits - Start Today - LP
Greasy Kulture Issue 27 - Magazine
Heresy - Face Up To It - (yellow) LP
Hot Rod Havoc Vol 1 - DVD -
Hot Rod Hillbillies - Let's Alcoholass - CD
HubCaps , The - The HubCaps - CD
Hüsker Du - Flip Your Wig - LP
Iggy Pop – Sister Midnight - LP
Invasionen - Hela Världen Brinner - LP
Jackie Brenston & His Delta Cats - Rocket 88 [7'' Vinyl]
JAYBIRDS - Naked As The Jaybirds - CD
Jmmy Castle and The Knights She's Allright EP - 7"
John Lindberg Trio (JLT) - Hell Of A Ride - LP
Johnny Kask - Sluten anstalt blues - 10" vinyl
Johnny Thunders - Hurt Me (purple) - 10''
Kaaos – Ristiinnaulittu Kaaos - LP
Kingcats - Southbound Train - CD
Kitty in a Casket - Back To Thrill (white) - LP
Klasse Kriminale - The Rise And Fall Of The Stylish Kids - LP
Kustoms Illustrated #31 Magazine
Kustoms Illustrated #32 Magazine
Kvoteringen - Storfinansen - 7"
Lisa Palm Jazztett - När Jag Ser Dig - CD
Lou Cifer & The Hellions - Tedtoed! - 7'' EP
Mad Sin - God Save The Sin Ltd. Colored LP
Madness - The Liberty of Norton Folgate - CD
Mal "Catman" Clint - Elvis & Gene EP - 7''
Massacre / Kansallinen Sekaannus - 20?? Minne Jai Tuho - 7'' EP
Masshysteri - Vår Del Av Stan - CD
MDC - Millions of Dead Cops - LP
Minor Threat - First Demo Tape EP - 7''
Minor Threat - S/T - LP
Minor Threat - Salad Days - 7"
Minutemen – The Punch Line - LP
Mob 47 - Kärnvapen attack EP - 7"
Mystery Gang - Jungle Fever - CD
New York Dolls - Lipstick Killers - LP
Nosey Joe & The Pool Kings - S/T CD
Ol' Skool Rodz #53 Magazine
Old Firm Casuals, The - s/t (wine red vinyl) - 7''
Peter Nande - ''Big Boy Boogie” California Sessions Vol. I - CD
Phantom - Rockabilly Vampires HANDNUMBERED [7" Vinyl]
Pinstriping & Kustom Graphics Magazine # 009
Poison Idea – Blank, Blackout, Vacant - LP
Psychomania #6 Magazine + 29 track CD
Rebel Beat - The Story of L.A. Rockabilly DVD
Rhythmaires, The - Tenth Anniversary Album - CD
Rimshots - Don't Play C 23 / Rock Ola Ruby - 7"
Robert Gordon - Live Fast Love Hard -2xCD
Rockabilly Magazine #35
Rogers Sonny & The Ropers - Maybe Little Baby - 7''
Ronnie Nightingale and the Haydocks - The Complete Early Years CD
Sabrejets, The - Sin-Sational CD
Scar Tissue – självbiografi Anthony Kiedis - Bok
Skitsystem – Stigmata - LP
Snakebite - Teddy Boys - 10''
Snutjävel - Eran Stad/Våran Verklighet EP 7"
Snutjävel - Ett Liv i Panik EP 7"Snutjävel - Falköping Hardcore 7" EPStrawberry Blondes - Rise Up (colored vinyl) - LP
Stå aldrig still – en bok om Joakim Thåström - Bok
Sånger om sex, Gud och ond bråd död - Lennart Persson - Bok
Terrible Feelings - Blank Heads EP (yellow) - 7"
Terrible Feelings - Shadows - LP
THE DWARVES - FAKE ID (Limited 10")
The Encyclopedia Of Swedish Punk 1977-1987- BOK
The Old Firm Casuals - Army of One - 7'' NY
Tom Powder - Dangerous Curves - CD
Toy Dolls - Another Bleedin Best Of! - LP
Toy Dolls - The Album After the Last One - CD
Troublemakers - 30 - CD
Untamed - Cannibal King 7"
Untamed - Eerie Stories LP
Wagtails - Cat Food - CD
Various - Rock 'n' Pop Meets Rock 'n' Roll - CD
Various - Umeå Vråljazz Giganter - CD
Various - Umeå Vråljazz Giganter LP
Various - Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend #11 - CD
Various - Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend #13 CD
We Live In Trenches - Modern Hex - LP
White Lines, The - Four Vinyl Fans Only - 10'' + CD
White Lines, The - Ready To Rock - CD
White Lines, The - Ready To Rock - LP
White Lines, The - Rockabilly Memories - CD
Vibrators - Sonic Reducer - 7"
Wolfbrigade - Prey to the World (marble green vinyl) - LP
Wreckers - Angel of Death 7" red vinyl
Vånna Inget – Allvar (vit vinyl) - LP
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Surf Saturday
Since its saturday and most of you aint got nothing but relaxin to do - maybe tighten a bolt on your car or water those gardenias - you should listen to surf tracks today, catch a wave if conditions are right and your geographic position allows.
I'm at the store, spinning such greats Langhorns (with our own mighty Rikard "Bure" Svärdh spinning drumsticks), Surfin Gorillas, Barbwires and of course the amazing artists from HepTown Records who are in the genre.
You do however you please but the important part is to relax and cruise the flow of your inner waves.
Or get hammered, whatever suits you. It's sunday tomorrow anyway...
I'm at the store, spinning such greats Langhorns (with our own mighty Rikard "Bure" Svärdh spinning drumsticks), Surfin Gorillas, Barbwires and of course the amazing artists from HepTown Records who are in the genre.
You do however you please but the important part is to relax and cruise the flow of your inner waves.
Or get hammered, whatever suits you. It's sunday tomorrow anyway...
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Greasy Kulture 27!!!
Greasy Kulture issue 27 has just arrived, unpacked, locked, stocked and loaded.
Dont forget the back issues maan!
Dont forget the back issues maan!
Grease up!
Listen up! The wait is over guys!
Tuxedo Club
Royal Crown Hair Care
Royal Crown Pomade
Sweet Georgia Brown Red label
are all back in stock! Get your favourite poison before its out again!
And if you've misplaced your comb don't worry, we gots a new load of Hercules combs to go with your grease!
Tuxedo Club
Royal Crown Hair Care
Royal Crown Pomade
Sweet Georgia Brown Red label
are all back in stock! Get your favourite poison before its out again!
And if you've misplaced your comb don't worry, we gots a new load of Hercules combs to go with your grease!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
New from Eat Dust
Yesss... we proud to be able to deliver YOU some new items from Eat Dust.
All product will soon be avaiable at the web store... WWW.HEPCAT.SE If you can't wait..
Drop by the store at Sankt Lars väg 21 in Lund(SE).
Drop by the store at Sankt Lars väg 21 in Lund(SE).
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