Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Let’s welcome @roark to the store! When we saw them the first time we felt that they fit like a glove for us! #hepcatstore #supportsmallbusiness #roark #roarkeurope #lund #lundcitypark

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CUFPHN6Mjwp/

Friday, September 17, 2021


Yes 🙌 Were happy to announce we just got hold on some more chairs from the Filson X Helinox colab! Limited edition, when gone it’s gone! #filson #unfailinggoods #helinox #outdoor #chair #lund #hepcat #lund #lundcity #whynothavethebest

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CT7bl76sp89/

Monday, September 13, 2021


This is super important. In just two days the voting for this year's Danish Music Awards best live performance is closing. Our dear friend, brother from another mother, mr. @jtexmusic along with @frankentown @thyge.van.dassen & #bennypedersen have bewn nominated for their insane live performance on @moensessions. These guys are pouring their hearts out here, really making some incredible music. Now you know how personal this is for us, these guys been a staple in our music collection, hearts, and life for years and years now, and it would mean the world to them, to us, if you took 5 min of your time to register and vote for them in this years competition: ''As something new this year, you have the opportunity to help choose who will run away with the award, Danish Rootsl ive name of the year. You have to, because you are the one who is out and about – in the venues, in the culture houses or digitally. A live award should of course be given by fans! The descriptions were entered by users like you who are from the settings process earlier this year. The nominees for Danish Roots live Name of the Year 2021 are as follows.'' Follow the link here, or in the bio at @heptownrecords sign in using your email or gmail account, holler if you need help! https://bit.ly/DanskeRootsLiveNavn2021 Votes must be cast before 15/9 Please, it is up to you folks. If This music has ever touched you, moved you, or inspired you, if you are a fan, or just want to see some guys dreams come true, please go vote. 📸 Adaam Jönsson #danishmusicawards #DMA2021 #DMA #rootsy #rootsmusic #countrymusic #country #heptownrecords #roots #hepcat #supportlocalmusic #rockthevote #vote #nashville #livemusic #jtex #jtexmusic

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CTxUF-aLgJW/

Tuesday, September 7, 2021


The @barebonesliving Beacon light comes with a smooth dimming feature that allows you to completely brighten your surroundings or simply set the mood. This portable light easily hangs with its carabiner top or stands on its sturdy base. The Beacon comes with a 30-inch cord for its rechargeable battery-which lasts 200+ hours on low or three hours on high. And thanks to a convenient battery life indicator, you'll never be left in the dark. #hepcatstore #barebones #supportsmallbusiness #outdoor #outdoorlife #lund #lundcity

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CThv_vcMXPV/

Sunday, September 5, 2021


Lets welcome @yeti to our Store! YETI products perform when it matters most - whether that be an excursion into the remote Alaskan wilderness, chasing salmon or just getting together with friends in the backyard. #hepcatstore #yeti #yeticoolers #outdoor #roadie24 #supportsmallbusiness #lund #lundcity

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CTcEOHYqYnK/